Friday, June 18, 2010

The גוף and נשמה of a מצוה

Keith/Shmuel Dumont - The גוף and נשמה of a מצוה

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or to any other media player.)

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Rebbe

Today commemorates the 16th yahrtzeit of the Lubvaitcher Rebbe's, Rav Menachem Mendel Schneerson. The Rebbe זצ''ל, the seventh leader in the Chabad-Lubavitch dynasty, is considered to have been one of the most phenomenal Jewish personalities in modern times. To hundreds of thousand of followers and millions of sympathizers and admirers around the world, he was -- and still is, despite his passing -- "The Rebbe," undoubtedly, the one individual more than any other singularly responsible for stirring the conscience and spiritual awakening of world Jewry.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Friendship: Where Will it Lead Us?

Now that school has come to halt, I figured after all this time as מחבר of this blog, and constantly nagging people to give שיעורים to benefit the עולם I would give one. Hopefully the ideas trying to be conveyed are understood and we can all, myself included, grow from this message in this weeks פרשה.
!א גוט שבת, א גוט חודש

Josh Kirschner - Friendship: Where Will it Lead Us?

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or any other media player.)

Ed. Note: Prize to the one who can figure out where this was recorded...

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Night of Inspiration and Song

Our dear friend Neal Wigod has asked me to post this about an event coming up commemorating the 7th yartzeit of his mother, Cheryl Wigod a"h. Rav Judah will be in attendance as well as the Ta Shma Orchestra. For any more information and to RSVP please send an email to