Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mystery @ Pier 39

Some of you may have heard about the tragedy and mystery surrounding the missing sea lions at Pier 39. It's a real shame that future tourists and members of ProjectRecharge won't have the זכות like we had to see such an amazing site.

You may remember that a few months ago these very sea lions were featured on this blog. Way back when, when Art wanted to change his name to Chuck, we turned to these sea lions for their help in coming to a final decision. You can find that post and the result here.

Anyway, anyone with information as to where the creatures have disappeared should contact the wharf and let them know you've found the missing sea lions. Until then, I will be sitting here depressed and staring at this waiting for the sea lions to return.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Look What We've Started...

It seems we have built up a big following, to the point where a chain of bagels stores has opened featuring our famous slogan of "Bagels & Cheese." I wonder if they'll play our ניגון as their theme song? Anyways thanks to Dave "Harris" Schwartz for the spotting...

Ed. Note: Posting will be a little slow over the next couple of weeks due to winter break and finals, but don't worry we'll be back full strength soon.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Parshas V'Yigash - The Depth of A Person

פרשת ויגש - The Depth of A Person- R' Josh Silverman

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or any other media player.)

Ed. Note: We are currently experiencing technical difficulties uploading the video. We will try and get it up as soon as possible... Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

מעוז צור ישועתי לך נאה לשבח...

It is brought down that the נרות of חנוכה have the potential to bring Jews together, and that's just what they did this past Thursday night. A bunch of חברה of ProjectRecharge and significant others, including Mike Sohn, got together at the new home of our "fearless leader." ניגונים were sung, food was eaten, a סיום was made, and of course the Cheese Choker rocked out on the sax.

Shroeder's Generals band leader Dani Kaye a.k.a The Cheese Choker, debuted a new cover song that he learnt for the evening - none other than our official ProjectRecharge ניגון, "A Bagel and Cheese."

Reb Matt Beezy graced us with making a סיום on the entire סדר קדשים which he finished in his journey through ש''ס משניות.

Walz and the Cheese Choker wanted to say hi to the חברה that wasn't able to make it...

Ben-Moshiko made an appearance...

Benedict Arnold made an appearance...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Light of Chanukah is the Light of Another Jew

Here's a שיעור that was recorded a few weeks ago when Rav Dan was in America on Chanukah. It's still very כדאי to listen to after Chanukah.

The Light of Chanukah is the Light of Another Jew - Rav Dan Werzberger

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or to any other media player.)

Ed. Note: On a separate note, ATZ"F recorded Rav Tzvi Mayer Zilberberg שליט''א's shiur on Chanukah, which he gave in Woodmere a few weeks ago, and it can be found here.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Get Lit!

From us here at ProjectRecharge, we wish all out readers חג כשר ושמח and א גוט חנוכה. We hope that the flames of the candles will help light the fire within us all and rekindle all the lost ניצוצות, so that we could see the coming of משיח.

Dug out from the archives.
Chanukah 5768... The Big Tuna out for the count.

Ed. Note: Pre-game has officially been re-added to the lexicon.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Benedict Arnold

It has come to our attention here at ProjectRecharge that we may have a "Benedict Arnold" among us. Keith (aka Shumuel, aka Trudy) has been spotted in videos on the "other" blog and frequents hanging out with them in their headquaters. Here at ProjectRecharge we will not tolerate this and we will be taking the proper precautions to make sure this will not happen again.
So Dr. Dumont it's up to you, which team are you playing for?

Here's the video in question:

Ed. Note: Notice how scared Keith is of Tyson, he's ממש bugging out. 
                It's nice to see Couch Yid on this blog again, maybe a weekly feature?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Yud Tes Kislev: Rewind

י''ט כסלו rolls around once a year, and Apt. 41 with the help of the rest of the חברה from ProjectRecharge made it big this year. Jews from all four corners of the US gathered for a nice little pre-farbrengen farbrengen featuring plenty of משקה and Rav Judah.
This is what supposedly went down in Apt. 41 that night, or it could just be that this all the Cheese Choker remembers...

With an already large gathering inside the apartment, Rav Judah entered...

The Cheese Choker and David Salamon (aka Squash) reunited for the first time since ישיבה, it was a beautiful sight...

Abe Milrom gave Rav Judah the present that keeps on giving...

The boys from BK made and appearance and gave this warm shout out...

Then, out of nowhere someone screamed... 770! - and the whole crowd erupted into a ניגון, as per the מנהג...

While the pre-game was going on,  one question was being asked by everyone...

Looks like the decided to boycott the event, I guess this means war. Anyways on a happier note, we eventually wrapped up and headed over to the Rubin Shul where the  real farbrengen was to take place.

Along the way we met these two fellows...

Once in the Rubin Shul some more of the showed up, including Captain/Whisky Mike, who drove all the way from Boston and surprised us all...

Reb Dovid'le had these kind words for ProjectRecharge, even though the rest of the Stollel boycotted us...

Anyway the night went on and the תורה and the ניגונים delivered were very strong. Of course The Cheese Choker was in his zone, as usual...

It was a strong night, and it was great seeing the rest of the ProjectRecharge gang. Anyways, that's all for now, till next time... Salt the wounds my friends, salt the wounds...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Ed. Note: There a large possibility of a pre-game at Apt. 41 with Rav Judah. Stay tuned for details.