Wednesday, September 22, 2010

'The Purity of Song'

The Purity of Song - Dylan Stark

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or any other media player.)

Ed. Note: Stay posted to find out when/where we will be having our שמחת בית השואבה this year. I also received these pictures from Rav Judah, of the חברה that was lucky enough to make it to א''י for סוכות, I just had to post them. Enjoy! Good יו''ט to all!

Monday, September 20, 2010

'Home, Sweet Home'

Once again "the Principles" out did themselves when it came to our place of residents over the course of the trip. This years house sat on 45 acres, enough space for Kirsch to have his Inaugural Michael Kirschenbaum golf invitational, in the middle of Newfane, VT. With multiple fire places scattered around the house, a pool table, and a pool and jacuzzi over looking the Stratton Mountains out in the distance, it can't get better that this. We took major advantage of the media room in the basement and the surround sound system that projected music all around the house. The house also had a nice sized kitchen, where we prepared and ate all our scrumptious meals. Located not far from multiple fire stations so the אדמו''ר didn't feel out of his element, this house was something else...

Friday, September 17, 2010

יו''כ תשע''א

I came across this video this morning of Rav Machlis' weekly parsha shiur. It's good to see the Recharge gang doing their thing א''י again. May our prayers this יו''כ be answered and may we be sealed in the book of life and see speedily coming of משיח in our days, and may all of עם ישראל have an easy and meaningful fast.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 2: The Greatest Day Ever!: Part 2

Upon leaving the Ben & Jerry's factory we knew we had to stop somewhere for dinner as we were carrying our grill around with us all day. We drove around Vermont for another half hour until we reached the University of Vermont, when the guesses started being shouted out. "Hot-air ballooning" one person shouted out as we pulled in Centennial Field. "A soccer match" another shouted out, as we passed a soccer field en route to our final destination of the day, a Vermont Lake Monsters (Nationals) vs. Lowell Spinners (Red Sox) minor league baseball game. After getting permission to BBQ in the parking lot, pulling the "we are kosher" card, Josh "Chip" Kirschner fired up the grill (almost blowing his face off). You name it we had it - burgers, dogs, spicy dogs, chicken, condaments, chips, drinks. A quick but deep חבורה from Josh "Freddie Haynes" Brooks and a lot of food later we embark on a life changing night. 

Upon entering the stadium, we were shown to our seats in the 1st row! From the get go we were ready to rock. It was decided to choose one player and make him "our guy" for the night. Too excited to wait we chose the first Lake Monster player up to bat, #5 the short stop Blake Kelso. The chants started with Adam "Bill" Friedman leading the way with "I say Blake you say Monsters...Blake-Monsters, Blake-Monsters!" The chants evolved throughout the night from chanting Blake to the tune of Gary Glitter's Rock and Roll Part 2,

to the famous Lubavitch niggun, Nyet Nyet,

which eventually evolved into the ultimate, a Mike Sohn chant.

And then it happened, a high fly fastball in the air behind home plate right too us, with Rafi "Gordon" Goodman making the snag, for the first of many times that night. Each time the חברה rallied in chanting "give it to a kid" in which each time Rafi was forced to hand over his souvenir to another grateful child. One of the lucky "ball-getter's" was a yid from Chicago who happened to have been visiting on business. 

Another "ball-getter" was a little girl from last year's destination Willits, CA, who was visiting with her family. We  found out later that they were yiddin too! השגחה!

As the game progressed we were granted the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to support the University of Vermont's woman's hockey team by entering a 50/50 raffle. After Akiva "Dale" Milgraum bought multiple "arm's length's," we waited until the 7th inning stretch for the winner to be announce, but we fell short. 

ּBut we didn't let that get us down, as we sang Neil Young's Sweet Caroline loud and proud, eventually earning us a shout out from the announcer later on in the 7th inning stretch.

As the game came to a close, with the Lake Monsters being defeated, we were offered free tickets to Saturday's game but proudly had to decline due to שבת. But we were granted a run around the bases and all received balls which were inevitably "given to a kid."

Jayson Hernandez, the catcher for the Spinners, Lazaro Gutierrez, the pitching coach for the Spinners, were kind enough to give us a shout out and a hat tip, respectively.

All in all an amazing action packed day was had by all, deeming this the GREATEST DAY EVER! With this man as the MVP! CHAMP!

Ed. Note: Adam "Bill" Friedman insisted on taking pictures with people that had mustaches. We don't ask questions...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Off I Go!

Hey all,

Tomorrow I will starting my עליה לרגל  to ירושלים for סוכות, with a stop in בית שמש for יום כיפור. If anyone is in need of any תפילות to be said by the הייליגה כותל המערבי please comment below or email me at (preferably email).

I will also be taking my correspondance to the Holy Land.

Peace and Love,

צדקת עזריאל

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

שנה טובה ומתוקה

Achdus: The Key to Rosh Hashana

Parshas Netzavim begins, “...אתם נצבים היום כלכם לפני ” – you are standing today, all of you before Hashem... The Zohar says that often when the Torah uses the word “היום” it is referring to a special day. Many say that the word “היום” here is referring to Rosh Hashana. The Toldos Yakov Yosef, Rav Yakov Yosef of Polnoye, a prime disciple of the Baal Shem Tov says that the Jewish people all stand together in front of Hashem on Rosh Hashana for judgement. He says that there is something special to אחדות on Rosh Hashana and that it helps in judgment. There is a Medrish that tells a mashal of a person being able to break one stick, but if you give that same person a bundle sticks he wont be able to break it. The same is with he Jewish people when we come together on the Yom Ha’din before Hashem. We are much stronger.
There is an amazing Sifri in Parshas Naso that I heard from Rabbi Baruch Simon shlita. The Sifri says that shalom (peace) is so great that even if there is avoda zarah amongst a group of people who have shalom, the satan cant attack them. But if they have machlokes than they will be blamed.
Hopefully we will be zocheh to go before the master of the world as one united people and be blessed with only good for all of klal yisrael.

Good Yuntif and Good Shabbos
Josh “Buns – Garth” Silverman

Friday, September 3, 2010

עניני תשובה לפני ר''ה

Over the course of our trip to Vermont, each member of ProjectRecharge was asked to give a short שיעור. These שיעורים were recorded, for those that couldn't make it. We hope you enjoy...

R' Jeremy Hertzberg - עניני תשובה

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or any other media player.)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 2: Greatest Day Ever!: Part 1

The first official morning was an early one - 4:45 am wake up! After quickly preparing breakfast and lunch we were on the road into the world of the unknown. All we knew was that it was a 2 and a half hour drive (thanks GPS) to our destination. After a long journey we arrived at a break in the trees along the road - Shacharis! People scattered into the forest and thanks to Vernnon's whistle everybody returned to form a quorum at the necessary time. After Timmy's beautiful rendition of the shofar blasts and a quick breakfast, we headed back into General Schroeder for the final 10 minutes to our activity for the day.

We pulled into Adirondack Extreme Sports in Lake George, and still not much was known in regards to what we would be doing. After finding out we'd be climbing some intense rope corse we were harnessed in and given wet bandit gloves, we headed out to the 5 course rope challenge. Each course got significantly harder, higher, and more challenging. With Bill leading the charge, people slowly  started dropping out. 2 hours and 4 courses later we loaded back into 'the General' to return to the world of the unknown.

In the middle of our next drive we had to take a Car Ferry to get across Lake Champlain where some of gang hopped on along side Vermont native, Capt. Moe, in his pick up truck. While on the ferry Principle Art made a crucial error in protecting the sanctity of the secrecy of the trip. He picked up a Ben and Jerry’s brochure, claiming he wanted to “check it out,” This caused serious BUZZZZZ amongst the chevra. Everyone studied the brochure for highway clues and Bill even called customer service to find out if we had a tour…all dead ends.

As the drive went on, one of the chevra recognized a highway sign from the brochure and pandemonium erupted and the van exploded as we saw a sign for Ben and Jerry’s! As we rolled into the parking lot, music blasting and van shaking, the greeter was shocked and laughing. A tantz broke out… everyone could go home happy.

Dues were payed to our loyal flavors who were lost in the throws of battle. Ice cream was bought. And our tour awaited us…to be lead by Eli (pronounced E-lie). We watched them maked some macadamian ice cream and bag it, tag it, and sell it to the stores. And the best part of the tour, free ice cream.

Then we were off to the next part of our journey. Stay tuned...