Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Big Tuna's Lost Photo Shoot

As I was cleaning up my camera, I came across these photos. I don't recall ever taking these photos, but if I recall correctly the Big Tuna took my camera during the שמחת בית השואבה back in October and must have snapped these photos. It seems to be a מנהג of the Big Tuna to take self portraits on other people's camera's, as has been reported by many people who have left their camera's idle in front of the Big Tuna. If you or someone you know has had this occur to you please contact us...



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You've Been Punked!

So as many of you might have heard, there has been a prank in the works for a couple of months involving Josh Geffner and Tzachi Popowitz. Pretty much Geffner left to Israel for a couple of months and didn't bother contacting any of his friends here in America. So they devised a plan, and told Geffner that Popwitz was dating a girl by the name of Michal Abigail, whose father owns Abigail's, and it was getting very serious. When Geffner returned, he was told that Tzachi was getting engaged soon to Michal. Little did he know that Tzachi wasn't even dating and that Michal doesn't really exist. Here's the footage of what went down...

Ed. Note: Thanks to K/S for the great filming/editing job... Maybe he's no a traitor after all...