Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Big Tuna's Lost Photo Shoot

As I was cleaning up my camera, I came across these photos. I don't recall ever taking these photos, but if I recall correctly the Big Tuna took my camera during the שמחת בית השואבה back in October and must have snapped these photos. It seems to be a מנהג of the Big Tuna to take self portraits on other people's camera's, as has been reported by many people who have left their camera's idle in front of the Big Tuna. If you or someone you know has had this occur to you please contact us...




  1. this once occured to me when big tuna took my laptop next day i found all sorts of obscene photos and videos.

  2. to quote our rebbe "o where o where has the big tuna gone" and to add "oh where oh where can he be"

  3. I;m impressed I didn't know I had such a following, and yet on who even listens/follow to what I had to say/tweet...

  4. birds tweet, humans twit

  5. No camera, cellphone, laptop, is safe around THE BIG TUNA.

  6. long following... talmidei hungov is tzidkas azriel along with the fifty other names we see a day on this blog.

  7. im actually Ger not Hungov...but i do like the rebba's style

  8. wheres the PR purim seuda?
