Saturday, March 27, 2010

Because Everyone Else Is Doing It...

It seems that the accepted מנהג amongst our fellow bloggers is to take a break from blogging for the next couple of days, until after פסח is over. Normally I don't fall to peer pressure but I hear the argument and have decided to comply. So for the next 10 days us here at ProjectRecharge will be taking a little break from blogging. I know that there are certainly readers who are very opposed to this, (MKirsch), and feel like I haven't posted anything of "substance" lately so what am I taking a break from? But it's a decision that I have fought with myself internally for a while now and "banged the gavel." I hope this won't affect you're view of me or this blog in any way, shape, or form and we hope to continue providing more "exciting" material in the future. א גוט יום טוב and א גוט שבת.


  1. Ralph Waldo Emmerson once said "There comes a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance, that imitation is suicide, that he must take himself for better, or for worse as his portion." In this case the other blogs pause due to the pressence of the mourning period that is the omer u on the other had got so caught up in the mimicry that u only decided to pause for pesach and missed the entire point of the pause to begin with. Shame on u rebbe me hangov shame on u

  2. You see that's where you're wrong MKirsch, to quote you "In this case the other blogs pause due to the pressence of the mourning period that is the omer u on the other had got so caught up in the mimicry that u only decided to pause for Pesach and missed the entire point of the pause to begin with" but to quote the "other blogs:" - ""so that everyone will have what to be entertained with while they are doing work for school," when school is out, blog is out." - so one can infer based on this that since YU has school from post-Pesach onward that the blog will continue immediately following Pesach, when school is back in session, and not when the omer is completed as you refer to in your previous comment. - "Join The Stollel Challenge as we try, for just 13 days, to stay away from all of the aforementioned websites and obstacles to our daily living." Now one may look at this post posted on March 18 and say that 13 days from that day would be March 31, which has already passed. Now you might say I missed the point of that post but when one looks at it on a deeper level there is one key fact that is completely overlooked to quote the blog as to show facts and not my own opinion - "...pause for station identification and take a temporary (who knows - maybe permanent) break from these things. " Nowhere in that post does it mention a break for sfira as well, but could this possibly be the end of the Stollel blog?

    If you're refering to Kantor's blog for some odd reason nowhere in any of his posts does he mention taking a brake at all for the coming days. All he's concerned with is not being גבאי בן הזמנים.

    Now I hear what your saying and you may be refering to mother of all these blogs, Rav Judah's blog but to quote the final post's title on - "Annual JBV Bein Hazmanim, Until - ל''ג בעומר" - that is not the full omer that's only 33 days of the omer what about the rest of the days?

    So exactly Kirsch what are you referring to?

  3. PS. Touche´ with the Emerson quote...

  4. haha nice def sets a record for longest post in history well made points

  5. Rebbe, this is why you are rebbe. you knowledge of kol ha'blogs kulo is so vast, you are able to weave answers like the other great Rebbes!

  6. In the wise words of Muhammad Ali "I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was." All kidding a side, MKirsch you stood no chance...

  7. yea keep quoting draft dodgers rebbe really sets a good example for the younger readers
