Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ed. Notes

In the last 24 hours I have received 2 messages to relay to the עולם.

The first was message from Mike Eisman (the guys from the shiduch video) relaying a message from Justin "Thriller" Diller and went something like this:

Hello, blog admins.
Justin said that his internet is down, but I spoke to him and he asked if it was possible to make a post on the blogs:
If anyone has any room to bring some sfarim for him it would be a huge help.
They can contact him at 054-718-1332 or if they dont want to call israel they can let me know and i will work it out.
See you soon.

The second was a message from Keith/Shmuel who will be traveling to Uman for Rosh Hashana, which the second day happens to be his אדישא birthday, and has asked if anybody would like for him to daven for them at the ציון of Rebbe Nachman please post your name in the comments and what you'd like him to be מתפלל for or if you would like to email me personally I would be happy to forward him the message.


  1. Thanks Guys!
    Keith, maybe you can daven, that someone is able to bring the sfarim for Justin, that would make this post really work out.

  2. if anyone wants to email keith/shmuel hanavi directly his email address is keerock89@aol.com - he is expecting emails

  3. couch yid- you're amazing! great idea
