Monday, September 28, 2009

תורת ה' תמימה: Part 4

ישראל קדושים - Josh Kirschner (The Official מחבר of Project Recharge)

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or any other media player).

האדמ"ור מסלונים שליט’’א
רב שמואל ברזובסקי

5770... Didan Notzach

Some of our members had the זכות of being in ארץ הקודש for יהו’’כ, as can be seen
from this video Project Recharge was represented well (Spotted @ 3:54) ...

ישר כח to עזריאל צבי צדוק for keeping it נ נח! Truly Texeria!

* Thanks רבי for the מקור

Ed. Note: There's a nice amount of lengthy peyis in this video... looks like we truly are "Didan Notzach!"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

O Jordan...

While surfing the internet, while sitting bored in class today, I came across this video...

I kinda miss the hairy fellow and all his shenanigans... Project Recharge Summer 2010?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

תורת ה' תמימה: Part 3

Individuality With Regard to Ourselves; Similarity Within Interacting With Other People -
הרב הגאון החסיד רב עזריאל צבי צדוק פרידמאן שליט’’א

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes(or to any other media player).

Keep it נ נח!

Monday, September 14, 2009


While walking through the Fisherman's Wharf trying to get people to give shout outs to Project Recharge, Kirschner (Chip) and Keith (Trudy) started to feel bad for Art. You see Art since Day 1 hasn't like the name he was given, he's been wanting to be called Chuck. There has been no sympathy shown from the members of PR, so Chip and Trudy (through their guilty conscious) asked the Aibeshter for a sign to show that Art was truly destined to be named Art, and not Chuck. And then they saw it...

So from here on in he shall continue to be called ART!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

יצחק משה בן שושנה

Please learn and daven for our brother Jared Okun, he is in an ais tzarah and needs our tefillos.

יצחק משה בן שושנה

If possible please take on the following kabbolah at the request of Jared in a zechus for his refuah.

As some of you may have likely heard already, Jared was diagnosed with Lymphoma and will be beginning chemotherapy immediately. We do not yet have much to share on his condition or prognosis, as full pathology results have not yet been provided, but we are very optimistic about his future and he is in a very strong frame of mind.

Regardless, Jared has personally requested that any individuals looking to do something the zechus of his refuah, Learn Hilchos Shmiras HaLashon on a daily basis. He specifically requested that everyone learn 2 halachos daily, but obviously everyone should do as they see fit. His name is Yitzchak Moshe ben Shoshana.

A blog has been set up with updates on learning opritunites and tehillim gathering in Jared's zechus.

We hope this will help us work toward a greater and more constant awareness of Hakadosh Baruch Hu, re-center our live around Avodas Hashem, and generate zechuyot for
Yitzchak Moshe ben Shoshana

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Niggun Please!... לכבוד ש’’ק

!לכבוד שבת קודש

The Official Cantor and Ba'al Niggunim of Project Recharge Present
The Official Niggun of Project Recharge!

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or to any other media player).

For the first time released it is available to download for FREE! Get it while supplies last....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

תורת ה' תמימה: Part 2

Torah L'Shma - Chacham Gil Maman

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or to any other media player).

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Message from Raffi Leicht's Family...

Hello friends and family,

My little brother, Raffi Leicht is in treatment for Lymphoma at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC).

Raffi will need blood and or platelet transfusions over the course of the next several months.

If you might be available to donate,please email me at with your name, phone number, and email address so I can keep you on file as someone to contact should the need for blood or platelets arise. You may also include your blood type, if you know it. You may also include your blood type, if you know it.

Raffi's blood type is A+. Anyone with A+, A-, O+ or O- is a match for Raffi, but all donations are sincerely appreciated. For platelet donations blood type does not need to match.

You may also donate blood to the general supply at any time at the MSKCC Blood Donor Program: Blood Donor Room, Schwartz Building Lobby, 1250 First Avenue, between 67th & 68th Streets, 212-639-8177, 212-639-7643, When you donate, tell them Raphael Leicht sent you and this will ensure that your donation goes into Raffi's account. However, donors on our list would be designating blood or platelets for Raffi specifically and will be scheduled by the family as needed.

Thank you and feel free to call or reply with any questions,

Isaac "Zaki" Leicht
P: 646 262 5741

(photo courtesy of

Hear Ye Hear Ye....

Mazel Tov to the chevra out learning in Yeshivas Rabeinu Yitzchak Elchanan on the purchase of their new pad in Washington Heights. The possibilities of shabbosim and the reuniting of the forces of Project Recharge are endless. Good luck Apartment 41, may you use it in good health and may we fabreng for the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu! Amen!

The Members of Apt. 41

Dani Kay (Timmy The Cheese Choker)
Azriel Tzvi Tzadok Friedman (Billy Bob Thornton)
Michael "Fake Kirsch" Kirschenbaum (Richard?)
אדם אליעזר גידינג שליט"א*

* Due to the fact that Mr. Gidding did not take part in Project Recharge, for whatever reason, he was not given an official PR name. Any suggestions? Put it in the box...

Monday, September 7, 2009

ח’י אלול

Today is a date celebrated by the Chassidic community as the birthday of the "two great luminaries" - The Ba'al Shem Tov, the founder of Chassidus and Rav Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad. It is a yom tov for Chassidim, one in which they wish each other a "Gut Yom Tov!" and fabreng strong...

...So without further ado on behalf of PR a Gut Yom Tov! and L'Chaim!

Suggestion Box

As per the מנהג of Project Recharge we have a suggestion box, a place where all you suggestions on how to enhance Project Recharge can be suggested. There is a link on the left side bar that can bring you back to this post in the future to add your suggestions as they come in. Place all suggestion in the comments section of this post. All suggestions will be voted on by the members of Project Recharge and will be sealed by Fred (Mr. Josh Brooks) and will be stamped with the official PR gavel - the Amstel Light bottle (if we could ever get it out of the chandelier). This box unlike the original is not limited only to the members of PR but to all Jews out there... Keep it clean!

תורת ה' תמימה: Part 1

Over the course of our trip many different shiurim and chaburahs were given my the members of Project Recharge. It was decided by "the Principles" that all shiurim and chuburahs should be recorded so that all Jews in the world could have access to them. So without further ado....

Do Mitzvos Require Kavanah? - Rav Dan Wirzberger

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or to any other media player).


Over the next couple of days/weeks with the help of the בורא עולם the rest of the shiurim/chaburahs will be posted. Stay tuned....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Opportunity for Ha'Shavas Aveida...

I was just informed by Harris Harrison (Dave Schwartz) that he is currently missing his ספר,
שמחה של מצוה which was in the Project Recharge Main Beis, if anybody knows of its current whereabouts (it's understood why one would take it, we all need a little שמחה של מצוה), please contact either myself (by posting below) or email Dave at, all inquiries will be kept anonymous.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Week in Review...

Baruch Hashem everyone seems to still be fully charged a week after Project Recharge concluded. In the words of a wise man that sits next to me in one of my classes (Gil), "this was by far the best trip I've ever taken." We would like to just thank our "Principles" again for all the hard work they put in to making this trip such a significant point in our lives that we will for sure not forget. On a side not, we have officially been recognized and given a shout-out from Rav Judah and to be added to the sidebar-of-fame, check it out...
Also over the course of the next few days more videos and audio of all the shiurim and chaburahs that took place over the course of the trip will be uploaded.