Mazel Tov to the chevra out learning in Yeshivas Rabeinu Yitzchak Elchanan on the purchase of their new pad in Washington Heights. The possibilities of shabbosim and the reuniting of the forces of Project Recharge are endless. Good luck Apartment 41, may you use it in good health and may we fabreng for the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu! Amen!
The Members of Apt. 41
Dani Kay (Timmy The Cheese Choker)
Azriel Tzvi Tzadok Friedman (Billy Bob Thornton)
Michael "Fake Kirsch" Kirschenbaum (Richard?)
* Due to the fact that Mr. Gidding did not take part in Project Recharge, for whatever reason, he was not given an official PR name. Any suggestions? Put it in the box...
now that's one siiiiick apt.