Monday, September 14, 2009


While walking through the Fisherman's Wharf trying to get people to give shout outs to Project Recharge, Kirschner (Chip) and Keith (Trudy) started to feel bad for Art. You see Art since Day 1 hasn't like the name he was given, he's been wanting to be called Chuck. There has been no sympathy shown from the members of PR, so Chip and Trudy (through their guilty conscious) asked the Aibeshter for a sign to show that Art was truly destined to be named Art, and not Chuck. And then they saw it...

So from here on in he shall continue to be called ART!

1 comment:

  1. Chuck will be in UMAN for Rosh Hashana!!!!Tfillah priority #1: True name should be accepted by the PR chevra
