Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Week in Review...

Baruch Hashem everyone seems to still be fully charged a week after Project Recharge concluded. In the words of a wise man that sits next to me in one of my classes (Gil), "this was by far the best trip I've ever taken." We would like to just thank our "Principles" again for all the hard work they put in to making this trip such a significant point in our lives that we will for sure not forget. On a side not, we have officially been recognized and given a shout-out from Rav Judah and to be added to the sidebar-of-fame, check it out...
Also over the course of the next few days more videos and audio of all the shiurim and chaburahs that took place over the course of the trip will be uploaded.


  1. i was zocheh to run in to rabeinu knoll thursday night and it was amaaaaaaaaazing and he gave me hug still no shower yet

  2. This is a very heimish blog i enjoy being a part of it!
