Thursday, December 10, 2009

Benedict Arnold

It has come to our attention here at ProjectRecharge that we may have a "Benedict Arnold" among us. Keith (aka Shumuel, aka Trudy) has been spotted in videos on the "other" blog and frequents hanging out with them in their headquaters. Here at ProjectRecharge we will not tolerate this and we will be taking the proper precautions to make sure this will not happen again.
So Dr. Dumont it's up to you, which team are you playing for?

Here's the video in question:

Ed. Note: Notice how scared Keith is of Tyson, he's ממש bugging out. 
                It's nice to see Couch Yid on this blog again, maybe a weekly feature?


  1. PR Rep. at Landers College for MenDecember 10, 2009 at 4:05 PM

    I can't see the video because of the Landers block, but arent we all supposed to be brothers anyway.

    on the other hand...

    I think we need the Baal Beer Bottle to paskin.

  2. Yes, we are all brothers until one decides to betray us... and this matter is being taken care of by the "Principles" as we speak and they will relay the proper steps that need to be taken to solve this issue...

  3. Hey PR Rep. your name is as good as Anonymous these days.

  4. KEITH is the MAFIA!!!! On the other hand, this video's hilarious. As for PR Rep. at Landers, who are you?

  5. Recharge is a project... Stollel is a way of life.

  6. Id love to give a weekly. can i do one of the video dvar torahs?
    Although i will need some time to prepare im 6 years out of shanna alef.

  7. classic jd comment wow

  8. PR Rep. at Landers College for MenDecember 11, 2009 at 2:07 PM

    Rebuke accepted.
    I will from now on be going by my given name...

  9. What's Project Recharge?

  10. @ anon 3:25 whats a guy who cant show his face while he takes cheap shots at a blog?
