Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mystery @ Pier 39

Some of you may have heard about the tragedy and mystery surrounding the missing sea lions at Pier 39. It's a real shame that future tourists and members of ProjectRecharge won't have the זכות like we had to see such an amazing site.

You may remember that a few months ago these very sea lions were featured on this blog. Way back when, when Art wanted to change his name to Chuck, we turned to these sea lions for their help in coming to a final decision. You can find that post and the result here.

Anyway, anyone with information as to where the creatures have disappeared should contact the wharf and let them know you've found the missing sea lions. Until then, I will be sitting here depressed and staring at this waiting for the sea lions to return.


  1. they found out recharge is east coast next summer so they are attempting to swim around the world

  2. first of all thast amazin second shout out to art at 55

  3. wow i missed that art shout out first time around thaks KSD
