Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Light of Chanukah is the Light of Another Jew

Here's a שיעור that was recorded a few weeks ago when Rav Dan was in America on Chanukah. It's still very כדאי to listen to after Chanukah.

The Light of Chanukah is the Light of Another Jew - Rav Dan Werzberger

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or to any other media player.)

Ed. Note: On a separate note, ATZ"F recorded Rav Tzvi Mayer Zilberberg שליט''א's shiur on Chanukah, which he gave in Woodmere a few weeks ago, and it can be found here.


  1. Thanks for the link and sharing the Torah!

  2. One of these days we should all have a farbrengen to learn how to spell R' Dan's last name. It's probably the hardest name to spell out there.

  3. That is the correct spelling... But we could have a farbrengen anyways....

  4. I like the pic of Ligget in the back ground.
    Shout out to the Lions! ROAR
    old school YRY
