Sunday, December 20, 2009

מעוז צור ישועתי לך נאה לשבח...

It is brought down that the נרות of חנוכה have the potential to bring Jews together, and that's just what they did this past Thursday night. A bunch of חברה of ProjectRecharge and significant others, including Mike Sohn, got together at the new home of our "fearless leader." ניגונים were sung, food was eaten, a סיום was made, and of course the Cheese Choker rocked out on the sax.

Shroeder's Generals band leader Dani Kaye a.k.a The Cheese Choker, debuted a new cover song that he learnt for the evening - none other than our official ProjectRecharge ניגון, "A Bagel and Cheese."

Reb Matt Beezy graced us with making a סיום on the entire סדר קדשים which he finished in his journey through ש''ס משניות.

Walz and the Cheese Choker wanted to say hi to the חברה that wasn't able to make it...

Ben-Moshiko made an appearance...

Benedict Arnold made an appearance...


  1. Looks amazing...Wish I could have been there...PR lights keep shining on!!!Mazal Tov Garth.

  2. i must say im impressed it took this long for the recharge blog to die out i figured it wouldnt last a week

  3. My friend, we have not died yet... With finals and vacation we're just going to be posting at a slower rate... As a matter of fact we should havea new post up tomorrow...
