Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
רפאל אליעזר בן רינה רייזל
Day 9 - Goodbye San Francisco..
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Day 8 - Goodbye Willits... Hello San Francisco/Oakland...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Day 7 - Row Your Boat "Merrily" Down the Stream?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Day 6 - Shabbos!!
Day 5 - Erev Shabbos...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hear Ye Hear Ye....
Day 4 - עץ חיים היא
Dinner was later prepared by Rafi (Gordon), a scrumptious BBQ dinner. At dinner as the minhag is, highlights of the day were announced by all member of the movement and the suggestion box was read through. A chaburah was given by Knoll and the rest of the night was spent relaxing and unwinding and preparing for Shabbos!
A PR Birthday & A Guten Chodesh from PR

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Day 3 - On the Waterfront...
We had a quick morning seder afterwards, and then heard a chabura from Gil (Lenny) and a shiur from Art before making our way to the activity for the day – boating on the Clear Lake. Once arriving in the town of Lockport we made a stop to pick up our boats, tubes and skis and made our way to the water. Buns’ (Garth ) boat consisted of Kirschner (Chip), Kaye (Timmy), Knoll (Timmy Tom Jr. III), Milgraum (Dale), Brooks (Fred) and Mutty (Bob), while Dan’s (Art) boat consisted of Gil (Lenny), Schwartz (Harris), Rafi (Gordon), Keith (Trudy) and Adam (Billy). Each boat had their own stories to tell over the course of dinner at highlights ranging from anchoring the boat in the middle for no reason to Milgraum throwing everyone across the boat with the most insane turn ever to Dani bugging-out that there were sharks in the water.
After a very relaxing day on the water we decided it was time to head home, making a pit-stop ate Safeway (third Safeway we’ve been to in CA) to pick up some more food and daven Mincha. Once our arrival at our headquarters, we rocked out to with a solid rikud for a half hour, whereupon Rafi (Gordon) took the initiative and cooked us a "Texeria" BBQ dinner, somehow managing after the grill broke. At dinner all the suggestions that were placed in the suggestion box today were read, some included naming the van and changing the Art’s name to Chuck. After highlight were completed and everyone had calmed down, Knoll gave a chaburah to end the night. Kirsch whose has been renamed Richard* is expected to arrive tonight, we’re looking forward to all the ridiculousness he adds to our already ridiculous crew.
* - As per a suggestion that was passed in the suggestion box, Kirsch has officially been renamed Dick.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Official PR Name Changes
All of has received name changes and will here-on-in be used in future posts until further notice.
Adam - Billy
Brooks – Fred
Rafi – Gordon
Kirschner – Chip
Milgraum – Dale
Dan – Art*
Buns - Garth
Keith – Gertrude**
Gil – Lenny
Schwartz – Harris
Mutty – Bob
Kaye – Timmy
Knoll – Timmy Tom Jr. III
* - requested a name change, currently still in the suggestion box awaiting approval at time of print.
** - Name was eventually shortened to Trudy
Day 2 - Father in the Forrest...
After what seemed like a 30 mile hike but was in actuality only 8 miles, we made it back to “the Van,” and davened mincha. After a short stop at Safeway to pick up some more food & supplies we headed home. Before dinner could even be prepared all the newly purchased utensils had to be toveled, that’s were the mikva on the property came into the clutch. With Keith, Kirschner and Dan in tow, Adam got down and dirty.
Once all utensils were ensured that they were fit to be used, a delicious pasta dinner was prepared by Adam. While that was being taken care of, Mutty, Milgraum and Dani wrote the official niggun of Project Recharge (name changes have been suggested, and have been place in the suggestion box), officially dubbed “I Just Ate A Bagel and Cheese”. Once everyone had sat down and eating we went around the table telling our highlights of the trip so fat, a chaburah was then given by Kirschner which was followed by Maariv to end this exciting day, 'til tomorrow....
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Home Sweet Home...
This place is sweet. We pulled up late last night not knowing what to expect. The place is mad chilled out it’s a big log cabin situated on 300 acres in the middle of the forest in Willits, CA. It contains its own pond with a Tarzan swing (our mikvah) and many place just to kick back and relax. It has four bedrooms and two bathrooms, with a nice sized kitchen and living room. The house is stocked with many books (mainly about falcons and hobbits) and movies with a NES and Nintendo 64 game system with a variety of games. According to Milgraum there are many marijuana fields on the property, and since he's a man of the most random facts we believe him on this one.
Day 1 - Welcome to San Francisco...
When we eventually arrived at the park we found a nice place to eat lunch, Brooklyn Bagels that were from San Francisco, in the botanical gardens.
After which we headed on an expedition through the park stopping off to play a little football, with Sir Dani Kaye catching the winning touchdown.
Following this we continued our journey through the park Haight Street where we many people wanted to sell us “trees”. Our hike to Haight Street was interrupted briefly by the PopChipsmobile, upon which greeting us a woman, and in the wise words of Milgraum, “has the best job ever, driving around and giving out free food,” handed us all free samples. When we finally arrived at Haight Street, we decided it would be best if we split up. Some went to go see where the Grateful Dead had once dwelled, while some walked around taking in the culture of the area. While walking around we were greeted in hebrew on multiple occasions by a fellow brother or sister. A few guys had a very interesting encounter while talking to a brother who grew up in Eretz Yisrael, a woman, Hadasah, who at that moment happened to be kneeling and petting the man’s dog over heard us and said she was a yid too.
After spending some time in the Haight-Ashbury section of San Fransisco we headed back through the park where we encountered a fellow by the name of Richard, who claimed he was the King of England. He explained to us how to play football and even showed us a demonstration on his PSP, which he pulled out of nowhere, leaving us all to wonder where he charges it.
Once we returned to “the Van” we headed off to Oakland to attend the A’s vs. Yankees game. We tailgated and davened mincha in the parking lot and eventually made our way into the game around the 7th inning, where we instantly became celebrities in our section with our unique chants. The chants ranges from Texeria is amazing*, Geiger, Grey shirt, That guy, Mazel Tov Buns! (while smashing our hands with our fists**) and Davis. Eventually we were kicked out of the stadium, which was our intended plan to begin with. We were cool with that and headed off to the parking lot to go and daven Mariv, where our drunk neighbors started yelling inappropriate things at each other.
Once Mariv was completed we decided to make our way over to the house, which was over 2 hours away***. Overall the day was packed with excitement, leaving us all exhausted. I’m off to sleep, till next time holy chevra...
* - From here on in “Texeria” is synonymous with “amazing“ as per Milgraum.
** - We’re are still unsure how this practice started, but all our hands are sore.
*** - A brief description of the house will be written in my next post.