Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 5 - Erev Shabbos...

The day started out late, as everyone was exhausted from the past few days. The happy minyan in honor of Rosh Chodesh was led by Adam, with a beautiful shofer blowing by Dani. After everyone had eaten breakfast and packed lunches we packed up "The General" and headed to the Anderson Microbrewery. At the microbrewery we unfortunately missed our time slot to see how beer is actually made, but we made up for it with an attempt to play frisbee golf, a game that was created there. Guys picked up souvenirs and we were off to our next stop - Clearlake.

Upon arrival at Clearlake we searched for a spot that was unoccupied in order to tovel for Shabbos and to get a quick swim in. Some guys found a tarzan swing, and a being pros since we had our own back at headquarters, decided to give it a shot. After everyone had dipped, we headed off to our annual daily activity, a trip to Safeway, to pick up some goods for Shabbos. Along the way Rav Dan somehow managed to get a speeding ticket by one of the three cops in all of northern California.

We arrived at home with all the goods, and everyone was given a job, either cleaning up the house or cooking. At the end the food came out scrumptious and the house was cleaned nicely. Kabbalos Shabbos was supposed to take place outside but due to uncertainty concerning the eiruv was brought inside after a rikud outside. The meal was filled with fun, divrei torah, and a l'cahim from Rav Judah who sent his best through Keith, and of course Milgraum passing out on the couch (as he has every other night).

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