Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 8 - Goodbye Willits... Hello San Francisco/Oakland...

Day 8 has arrive, and the chevra woke up at a decent hour this morning after the late night driving last night. We unfortunately missed our appointment to tour Alcatraz, but we decided we're going to take the day easy instead. Today is the day when we packed up all our things and left Art's house, here in the middle of Willits, CA and head to San Francisco for the remainder of the trip. We said goodbye to our headquarters for the last 7 days and to our 2 dogs that we have befriended, taken one final picture outside, Kirsch did a bit of last minute fishing, and said goodbye to Mutty as he departed us.
We drove 3 hours before finally arriving in the cultured city of San Francisco, CA, meeting up with Rav Dan, Milgraum and Rafi who drove Mutty to the airport, at the Fisherman's Wharf. We explored the Wharf, watching many different street performers "strut their stuff," checking out the sea lions, while some took the opportunity to go and purchase some souvenirs. Although we missed our tour of Alcatraz we got a good view of it from the Wharf.
A unique oppritunity was placed upon Kirschner and Keith by "the Principles," to go and get as many shout-outs to Project Recharge from as many random people as they could find. Overall they were successful and the videos will be posted over the next couple of day. Once everyone felt they had gotten all that they could have from the Wharf we headed to San Francisco's famous China Town, where some more junk was purchased.
At this point the remaining chevra was starving. So we made our way to Oakland to the home of Reishit alumnus Rabbi Jason Rozen, Assistant Rabbi of Congregation Beth Jakob, a talmud muvhak of Rav Eli Marcus shli"ta. We enjoyed a packed dinner of chicken wings, hot dogs, french fries and hamburgers. We were told that there was a possible chance to do a mitzvah, to make sheva brachos for a couple that was recently given a frum wedding. When they chasan and kallah arrived we danced and sang our hearts out, and thanked them for giving us the opportunity to accomplish this great mitzvah. Over the course of our meal at the Rozen's we met with the other assistant rabbi, Rabbi Michael Davies and the rabbi, Rabbi Judah Dardik. We also said goodbye to two more of our members, Adam Friedman and Rafi Goodman, who made their way back to New York. The night was getting late and we were ready to head to our dwelling place for the final night of the trip. We made a stop in the shul to daven marriv and quickly checked out the shul. On the way back the oppritunity arose to take a trolly ride to Lombard St., "the most crooked street in the U.S." We eventually decided to head to the hotel, the Cathedral Hill Hotel, and to call it a night.

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