Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 9 - Goodbye San Francisco..

It has come, the time we've all been fearing, Project Recharge will be coming to an end for the summer of 5769. All our bags are packed and we're ready to head back into reality. The morning started off rough as everyone was upset about leaving. We woke up at 6:45 to head back to Oakland, one last time, to daven at Beth Jacob and to say goodbye to Rabbi Rozen. After davening we headed of to the Grand Bakery to pick up some breakfast, which we followed up with our last trip to a Safeway for the year. We headed back to the hotel to eat and discuss the plans for the rest of the day. If was voted upon and decided that we would like to head back to Haight-Ashbury for the remaining time we had. As we arrived we made one last stop at 710 Ashbury St., former home of the Grateful Dead, then headed back down to Haight St. Unfortunatly at 11 AM most of the stores were still closed. Guess they don't get much business that "early" in the morning.
Anyways, the time finally came where we had to say goodbye to San Francisco, we headed to the airport in "the General," one last time. We arrived at the airport, checked in and said our last goodbyes to each other, "the General," and to one of the best trips we've ever had. A good time was had by all.

At this point the members of Project Recharge would like to thank "the Principles," Josh Silverman and Rav Dan Wirzberger for all the time and hard work they put into making this a success. We all look forward to joining them again next summer and the coming of Moshiach... b'mheira b'yameinu...

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