Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 7 - Row Your Boat "Merrily" Down the Stream?

The crew woke up early today, day 7, as we headed off to Eureka, CA to go rafting. We packed up all our wet gear and headed out for the tough 3 hour drive. We stopped along the way in the middle of the forrest to daven shacharis, followed by a light breakfast. Once we finally made it to Eureka we got all our gear and headed in to the water for a 6 mile rafting trip. One raft consisting of, Milgraum, Brooks, Kirschner, Kirsch, Gil and Mutty set out quickly, only to hide in a cove waiting to attack the other raft, consisting of, Buns, Rav Dan, Keith, Rafi, Schwartz, Adam. Once both boats had caught up to each other we decided to chill and play a game of Mafia. Once the game was completed Milgraum's boat decided it would be best to continue on with the trail, while Buns' boat decided it would be best to chill.
After what felt like 4 years Milgraum's boat had finally reached the end, just as it was getting dark, with Buns' boat nowhere in site. We eventually got the boat out of the water where we were greeted by a completely dry Buns without and of the other members of his boat.
Milgraum's boat was assigned to start up the BBQ, while Buns headed back to pick up the members of his raft, who decided it would be best to head back, once they realized they weren't going to make it. They had deflated their boat at the orders of their Skipper Buns and were struggling to get it out of the water. Eventually once both rafts were reunited dinner and highlights were served, while all relaxed after their physically grueling day.
While sitting and chilling out before it was time to go back to headquarters, a bunch of cops decided to show up and break up our session. We were all threatened with $250 tickets for being in a park after hours, but instead Buns got a ticket for $60 for "a parking violation." Once everything was sorted out with the authorities we figured it would be best to pack everything up and head back, stopping along the way to daven and get gas.
The drive was tough as neither Buns nor Rav Dan had slept in a while and Adam was assigned to DD Buns, but fell asleep seconds after leaving the gas station. On-top of which Buns was very tired and Rav Dan was sleeping in the back of General Shroeder. Eventually Buns and Rav Dan switched spots and Kirschner (who was occupying Buns the whole time, while Adam slept) took over DD. At around 3 AM we finally made it back to Art's house and called it a night. Cleaning up the house was postponed to tomorrow morning and our tour of Alcatraz has been cancelled due to extensive lack of sleep on everyones part.


  1. you forgot to mention dan almost drowning and his idea to ditch the raft haha chazakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  2. yo keith has sick pictures of us holding the deflated raft ,,get that up here

    crazy that this thing has spell check


  4. True that keerock, Dan almost did drown only to be save by Baywatch Billy.

    Harris - Would love to post those pics but not every one is tzanuah

    Richard - You know how we row...
