Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 4 - עץ חיים היא

Day 4 started off mad early at 6 o’clock, but everyone was up and rocking to a Texeria Rosh Chodesh davening led by Garth. After davening concluded everyone sat down to a scrumptious breakfast, we’re a surprise birthday was in place for Moti – a happy birthday to him. The original plan was to go rafting today but due to the fact that everyone woke up late, we decided instead to head to Memorial Grove, to the location of the Drive Through Tree, which we never actually drove through. Along the way we decided to start our color war competition with a PS2 NBA 2K8 tournament, at the time of print both teams are tied – until tomorrow. Once we arrive at our secondary destination we chilled hard tossed around the football a bit and ate our lunches that we prepared in the house.

After which we read and discussed one of Rebbe Nachman’s famous stories – The Clever and the Simple One. Then out of nowhere it was suggested that we play Mafia, which got heated quickly, but both games ended with the Mafia being killed.

On the way back we decided, as per nightly activity, to stop at a different Safeway and pick up some more supplies for our scrumptious dinner prepared by Billy and Gordon. It was the first time we got back early enough to tape our nightly rikud, this time rocking out to Omar Rabi Akiva and Yismachu.

Dinner was later prepared by Rafi (Gordon), a scrumptious BBQ dinner. At dinner as the minhag is, highlights of the day were announced by all member of the movement and the suggestion box was read through. A chaburah was given by Knoll and the rest of the night was spent relaxing and unwinding and preparing for Shabbos!

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