Thursday, November 5, 2009

'חסד לאברהם'

We here at are constantly looking for new ways to improve our blog for you the reader. This week for our weekly exclusive shmooze, given by Garth/Buns/Josh Silverman, we have not only provided you the reader, with the audio file as we normally do. We have also provided you with a video, to enhance your learning, by making you feel like you're actually sitting in the שיעור room (or my dining room) hearing the שיעור live. We hope you enjoy, and please, if you have any more suggestions on how we could enhance your blog-reading, please let us know.

Thank you and א גוט שבת,
The הנהלה at ProjectRecharge 


חסד לאברהם – Rav Josh Silverman/"Buns"/"Garth"

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or to any other media player.)


  1. 1) Who is Kirschner? He runs the blog? I thought the Admor M'Hungov?
    2) Who's that freak in the background? Maybe that Kirschner guy

  2. now i know where the name SILVERbuns came from
