Monday, November 30, 2009

The Greatest Wedding Ever!: Part 3

So let's continue on our journey...

After the חברה headed up to the ballroom to פארברנג before the חתן and כלה came in. While we were פארברנגן, R' Dan decided to ditch us and went to go eat a nice juicy piece of steak...

Rav Landau decided to give דברי חיזוק and ברכה to Buns and the rest of ProjectRecharge with J. Gold at his side, as usual.

Buns' eventually arrived and we started rocking out...

Buns dancing with his rebbe, Rav Landau שליט''א

The Principles dancing together...

Hey isn't that ZLOU from the Stollel? Giving a shoutout to ProjectRecharge? What has the world come to?

The Cheese Choker "mooning" Buns as is the מנהג ...

The funky chicken eventually arrived, and the Chicken Hog couldn't resist...

Rocking our new ProjectRecharge apparel...

Mike Eisman joined the party and got a nice טאנץ. We decided to show this video because not only is he an eligible bachelor (for all our lady readers), he's has been quoted as saying that we are his favorite blog, and he can't wait to see what we're up to next. So this is for you Mike...

Rocking out to Hentelach...
Jordan doing his usual thing...

Ligget and Schwartz got some nice moves of their own...

Kirsch out for the count...

"Take off the cover!..."

The man that made the night what it was, Freddie; the official שר המשקים of ProjectRecharge...

A shout out from the חתן himself...

The Cute Couple...

O wait...

That's more like it. From us, here at ProjectRecharge, we would once again like to wish a Mazel Tov to Buns and Lakey. May we and all כלל ישראל of share in many more שמחות together...


  1. Thanks for the shout out.
    I've been anticipating these videos for so long.
    I hope to give a video shout out to Project Recharge next time I go on screen.

  2. 3rd video in the 1:40's....the Hog looks goooood!

  3. in tantzin 2 the 4th video reb don getting shut down 2 times 1:51,2:20

  4. botom pic you can see lakey flustered following keith's project-rechrarge-shirt-to-face-throw..... way over the line

  5. Response to Keith/ShmuelDecember 1, 2009 at 7:42 PM

    great call keith/shmuel. i called art today to tell him...he was well aware.

  6. she is also flustered after realizing what project recharge is all about!!!!!

  7. kirsh why dont u chill with that arritee
