Sunday, November 15, 2009

מזל טוב

We'd like to wish a big מזל טוב and ישר כח to the חברה from Apt. 41 for winning the official Jawbone Valley Shluchim Convention Sweepstakes, and a trip to the Chabad Shluchim Convention this evening in NYC. We look forward to sharing much more great shtick from Apt. 41.

For all those who haven't viewed their masterpiece yet, here is their entry...

Ed. Note: CLICK HERE to view the announcement on JawboneValley...


  1. Hangover rebbe, i noticed u deleted clean form "good clean shtick" does that mean u no longer hold that the shtick should be clean?

  2. That and the fact that it didn't make grammatical sense or it just plain sounded funny...

  3. And a unanimous descision nonetheless! Adam and I enjoyed the Kinnus very much, including a Rebbe Nacman discussion with a shliach, a giant bottle of warm vodka, and a Lipa sighting...posting videos on YouTube as we speak.

  4. shkoyach...we should all be shluchim...its the only way!
