Monday, November 2, 2009

Reb Shlomo

יארצייט של רב שלמה

"Hashem wanted to give the world a kiss, so he gave us Reb Shlomo"

"The Amshinover Rebbe is widely known within the Chareidi world, and is regarded within Hassidic circles for his exceptional Ahavas Yisroel, love of every Jew; a good example is his warmth towards Shlomo Carlebach and others. The Rebbe has literally counseled thousands of newcomers to Judaism. The Amshinov Rebbe has been quoted as believing that Reb Shlomo was the "Pillar of Prayer"."מקור


  1. whoa- shpitz!
    is there an approval feature on this blog to ward off Friar Tuck?
