Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Greatest Wedding Ever!: Part 1

Never in my short lived blogging career have I been left speechless . Last night we here at ProjectRecharge experienced one of the greatest events in the history of the world, our fearless leader, Buns' wedding. With our cameras in tow, Milgraum's purple suit, the funky chicken and Freddy, our שר המשקים for the evening, we headed out to Crest Hollow Country Club to join in this great event. The חברה from ProjectRecharge rocked out hard with members of the "other" blog, it was a clashing of the blogs, some members even need to be held back from throwing punches.
Anyways, Over the next few post we will post some of the amazing footage recorded of the event by myself, ATZ"F, D. Walz and Shmuel Dumont.

Milgraum started off the night with this message. I'm surprised Milgraum is talking to Buns still after he snagged his position of שומר away and gave it to Rav Dan.

The man, the legend Jordan Kantor, with his intense beard, even had some words to say in honor of the occasion...

And then it happened Sohn spotted Jordan from across the room and then they created this monster jam, that from here on in will be known as the Kantor Jam...

Reb Yoni Stokar, founder of the Stollel, had these words to say to the חתן and כלה ...

Dani Kaye got right into his groove the second he walked in, but then J.Gold, his former chavrusa, walked in...

Buns' brother took the time out to make a לחיים and to give a shout out to ProjectRecharge...

The chevra got the חתן's טיש rocking...

Those two dudes that lived in our room, when we were still known as Dirat Ashdod - Schwartz and Shulman were spotted...

Once the was signed all was set in stone, it was time to march Buns to the בדקין. The was all riled up and ready to go...

Once Buns reached the front and took care of business, it was time to march him back out. Of course we had to do this in style. Milgraum picked Buns up and spun him around, I don't think I've ever seen Buns look so sick. Whether it wasthe thought that he was getting married or the speed at which his body was getting spun around, either way he looked good up there...

Once that was all done we all went to find seats for the חופה. You'll have to wait for the next post to find out what happened next...

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