Wednesday, November 4, 2009

תורת ה' תמימה: Part 8

This past Monday night the חברה gathered at Apartment 41, our headquarters on the east coast, for a night of תורה and niggunim in the spirit of the יארצייט of Reb Shlomo Carlebach. Numerous members from Project Recharge and elsewhere were in attendance.
ר' עזריאל צבי צדוק kindly recorded the שיעור given by Reb Buns, and we bring it to you, as always, here at


The עקידה - R' Josh "Buns" Silverman

CLICK HERE to download audio to iTunes (or any other media player)

Ed. Note: Shiur starts after the niggunim at the 11 minute mark.


  1. Shiur starts at about 11:00 min.

  2. I bet this picture is the Hog's new background!!!!

  3. it seems as tho the admo'r has become a slanderer... ive nvr heard of a reb "buns"

  4. I would agree with you but i dont agree with Anonymous.....GARTH!

  5. chevra why does it seem like stollel and project recharge are seperate??? we should all get together and fabrang and bring mashiach.
